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Image by Matthew Ball

Podcasts & Video

I've been lucky enough, and humbled, to be featured on many podcasts and online speaking engagements to share my thoughts. Enjoy a few of the examples.

Bitcoin Mining, Oil & Gas, Wind, and Solar

Bitcoin Mining will change everything about energy, below is one of my many rants on Twitter Spaces over the subject.

Simply Bitcoin

My latest feature in co-hosting Simply Bitcoin Live we discuss the recent FASB vote on companies and institutions placing bitcoin on their balance sheet. I bring up the boon that this latest development provides to energy producers that utilize bitcoin mining.

Brandon Gentile

I joined Brandon Gentile for a very fun conversation that was one of my favorites to be recorded of all time. We discussed a wide range of topics with depth and breadth. 

Russia & Bitcoin

In February of 2022 the energy alliance between China and Russia suggested a growing interest in bitcoin (the asset) as well as utilizing bitcoin mining. So far that forecast only continues to be proven more true. Check out the article that sparked it all here.

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